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Tips for medical CV writing

Tips for medical CV writing

Medical cv writing doesn’t need to be a hard slog. Follow a formula that works and it’s much easier. Firstly, it is good practise to get into the habit of documenting your medical experience right from the early days of being a medical student. Ensure you...
Flexible working for doctors

Flexible working for doctors

Flexible working for doctors is fast becoming a necessary to to stay working in healthcare. I was totally inspired to learn about the work of www.Patchworkhealth (a team of doctors and healthcare professionals) who are pushing the cause of flexible working in the NHS...
Networking during a pandemic

Networking during a pandemic

For many, just the notion of the word ‘networking’ is off-putting, but it really doesn’t need to be perceived quite so negatively. If you’re a public health or healthcare professional seeking job opportunities or wanting to expand your network, there are many ways you...